This pool has long suffered from structural cracking. In the past, the homeowner spent both time and money on using 2-part epoxy to try and seal the leaks. It didn’t work. It never works.
Epoxy is like carbon fiber – it’s a band aid that offers brief and temporary relief; the homeowner thinks the problem is solved, but it doesn’t take long for the water to find it’s way back through the crack. There is a solution, and it works every time.
Controlled Compression!
After removing the epoxy and cutting a channel around the cracks in the pool, we mapped and misted the cracks to see the severity of their expansion. We marked them, set our templates and laid out where the Torque Lock Structural Staples would be installed. By putting them in 12 inch intervals and using the strength of their patented controlled compression ensures that there is an even distribution of compression along the crack, stabilizing the structure and keeping the crack from leaking ever again.
See how we got the job done in the video below and learn more about the power and strength of the Patented Torque Lock Staple and Installation Method at